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Tube furnace operating steps, Tube furnace operating steps
Before operating the tube furnace, some preparations need to be done first.
First, check that the furnace is in working order and make sure all equipment
and instruments are in good working order. Then, clean the furnace and pipes to
make sure they are free of impurities and residue. Finally, prepare the required
raw materials and samples to ensure that they meet the experimental
Heat Treatment for Gear Manufacturing
Set temperature and time Before
starting heating, the temperature and time of the furnace need to be set
according to the experimental needs. According to the nature of the sample and
experimental requirements, select the appropriate temperature range and heating
time. Using the control panel on the stove, set the temperature and time to the
desired values.Application
example of vacuum heat treatment technology in mold
Preheating tube furnace
Before starting to heat the specimen, the tube furnace needs to be preheated.
Open the furnace door and place the sample in the center of the furnace.Powder
Metallurgy Gear Manufacturing Process
Then, close the furnace door and turn
on the furnace's power switch. Depending on the set temperature and time, the
stove will start to heat up. During the preheating process, closely observe the
temperature changes of the furnace to ensure that it gradually reaches the
desired temperature.Vacuum
Furnaces Leaks and Detection Techniques
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